- Moonbeams Magazine is the essay putting down the things which I had met during photo session
and the things which I thought -
I've photographed all over the world for almost quarter-century. Mean while
the world situation has dramatically changed. I really feel it when I read
this essay here once again. I'm sure my thought has changed too.
If this writing is on an encyclopedia or travel guide book, it would be
thrown away as an expired information. But, fortunately, this is an essay
which I've put down with nonchalant. So it doesn't matter at all if it's
regard as expired information. My point is not there.
However there are some episodes which I want add as an after story. I titled
it " Post Script" and will write from time to time along with main update
All of these essays are based on actual experience. However, I made up
in some parts for protecting privacy and so on. Please remind that political
and economic condition is a subject to change.
All rights for Essays and Photos in Moonbeams Magazine belong to Fumikatz Osada. Copy, re-use or re-production of the works is
strictly prohibited. |