"Tell a driver <Bajan!> in loud voice when you are getting off
the bus"
In the bus going back to my hotel, the man next to me told like that. I
should have got the advice much earlier.
I had already missed getting off the bus because I hadn't known how to
do it. Then I had been brought to the last stop.
The bus stopped, and a driver said to me "The last stop!" turning
off an engine. It's typical Mexican residential area with sandy asphalt
road. With getting far away, the tarmac road was interrupted. And beyond
there, nothing was seen but cactuses and rocky mountains of Mexico.
I found a charming church. While I had rested in front of it for an hour,
one dog, one boy and one girl had passed by. All of them glanced the Asian
resting in front of the church with a dubious look.
The man who taught me how to getting off the bus kept on. "Where are
you from, uh? Tokyo?" "Hey, do you know which city is the biggest
in the world?" While I couldn't find the answer, he told me in a proud
"It is Mexico City"
Years later, I remembered his words and consulted an atlas. <The population
of grand Mexico City area is 20 millions> It's true.
May 2005
Today's piece
"Iglesia" Ciudad Juarez, Mexico 1995
Dawn of the interstate highway