Monica, Accordion, and Madrid vol.2
Shortly after, the police car stopped in front of me. The policeman came
out from the car and showed me a bag. "Is this yours, huh?" With
no doubt, it's my bag which was cut off the shoulder belt. He was looking
into the car and going on. "He had this bag. Is that sure this guy
is a member of the group who attacked you?" As he said, a young guy
sat on the rear seat.
However generally speaking, the person who was held from behind could not
remember the face of the suspects. So I answered "I think so ..."
The policeman asked me again in stronger voice. "I ask you again.
Is that him?" If I won't clearly answer "Si (Yes)", he would
be released. When I thought so, anger for the mean crime got bigger and
bigger in my mind. And finally, I slapped off "Yes. He is." The
young guy listened the words, and screamed. "Noop, It wasn't me."
I'm really sorry if it's wrong person. But the suspect who had knocked
me down was shown up in front of me. Who could answer "If it wasn't
him" I'm not merciful God. It left bad taste to me. However I tried
to think "I'm not gonna punish him. I'll punish the society which
has this kind of crime"
I was brought to the police station. Taking ride a lighted police car and
driving through the down town of Madrid, my travel became a hard boiled
one. I was taken record at the police station. A disposable camera and
small change in my bag has gone, and a knife which had used for the crime
was replaced for it. The knife had 20cm length blade. I felt fear for the
first time when I actually saw it. I resisted so much, it's possible to
be stabbed.
"Are you sure it's the knife used in the crime scene?" I was
asked about the lethal weapon this time. Of course I had no room for observe
it in such urgent situation. If there is the person who can watch it closely,
he must be the person who are accustom to be stabbed. I answered "Creo
que si. (I think so)" And the policeman told me with taking the record.
"The answer must be <Si> or <No>. OK? Don't say <Creo
que si> any more"
"Hey! Is this the guy accompanying to the Japanese who was cut off
his cheek?" Another policeman came into the room. "No. He was
in another case" taking record, the policeman answered. They said
there was another incident that Japanese attacked by the robber on the
day. And he, or she, was cut the cheek with pointed knife. In those days,
the robbery aimed at Japanese often occurred in Madrid. That means I became
one of the victims. Later, I heard the same kind of robbery occurred also
in Buenos Aires. This kind of crime aimed at certain people or race is
the most hateful crime to me.
I came back to a hostal, and described everything to the owner. He was
surprised and told me. "Please, don't take any risks"But I never
thought I had taken a risk at all. I was just walking down the street in
the day time.
After listening the story what one of the robbers was captured, his young
daughters told me. "Yes! You did a good job. You are brave" Well,
it's easy to say ...... but I had been almost killed.
In the night, the owner played the accordion to me. He knew my unfortunate
travel which had been begun from lost baggage and ended with robbery. Maybe
he felt some pity on me. His music sounded like telling me "Don't
hate Madrid"
However, since then, I have not visited Madrid. I've not seen Monica neither.
After all, the key person of the travel was Monica. I could not say it
in that time because I was attacked by the robber. But now I want say "Gracias"to
This story was on the 3rd place of my bad luck travel podium. There are worse experiences than that. If I talk about it now, I would be totally depressed. So it's better to
be next time.
Mar. 2006
Today's piece
"Accordion" Madrid, Spain 1998
L'hotel Sobo-Bade vol.4 |