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Polynesia vol.1

I have written on Samoa for a long time. Now's a time to wrap up. In 2018, I visited Indonesian Islands (Bali, Flores, Lembata). As I hopped the islands toward the east, I felt the local people's facial feature was changing. From the Mongoloid of Java to the Melanesian of New Guinea. Melanesian is a similar group to Australoid of Aborigine who has an ancestor came from Africa long long time ago. I was happy because the transition of feature met my expectation.

"So if I go further east, how the feature change?" I expected the similar character, dark skin and defined face, would be going on. When I actually visited Samoa in south Pacific, I got a little surprise. It's different from my expectation. Somehow the people's feature looked like mine. I felt the transition from Mongoloid to Melanesian in Indonesia. And here in Samoa people's face feature was drawn back to Mongoloid. No, Mongoloid, Indian, Melanesian ... all the elements were complicatedly blended in exact.
While the body was much bigger than me, the character was shy. I heard Samoan people had cheerful personality. But it's apparently different from the Cuban's, for example, bright light and thick shadow. I felt a sensitivity behind Samoan people's bubbly personality. It's Asiatic.

Samoa, Tonga, Maori's New Zealand and all the way to Tahiti or Easter Island, the area is called Polynesia. They have similar culture, language and life style. Yeah, it's obvious if you think ancient people moved from west island to the east. But what surprised me was they have also resemblance in many aspects to the Hawaii where thousand km away. I mentioned here about a  flower accessory on the woman's hair.
In Samoa, There is a shirt like an aloha shirt of Hawaii. 'Talofa Shirt' I made up the name. As you can guess, "Talofa" also means Hello in English. The shirt itself must be brought into both islands by Westerners. But the resemblance of Aloha and Talofa doesn't seems like coincidence. On examination, people who had moved from Africa to Indian Ocean since BC reached to the islands in South Pacific. The people headed for north even Hawaiian islands in the 10th century. Until then Hawaii hadn't habitant but volcano.

Jan. 2020

Today's piece
" Snap shot "  Apia, Samoa  2019

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