The whale beach vol.8
While I wait for the bus, I look back my 4 days in Lamalera.
I've had questions on the community. Firstly "The 50 or more boats are whose property?" Secondly "Fishes and whales that the boat caught are whose property?" I could not find the answer for the first question. But it looks each boat has owner.
Now for the second question, gathering from the fact fishes and the manta are squarely distributed to the people and whale meats are hung in every house yard in the village, the products from the sea must be a property for all.
When I read the article on Lamalera, I could hardly believe that resident's life is still owe on the barter trade. I thought there is the proviso like "Now a days of the 21st Century, the actual life style are changing. Numbers who owe on the whales are decreasing" However their actual life is exact the article described. For Lamalera's people, a whale occupied major part of the life.
During my stay, there are one funeral and one fight. Yeah, fight. On the peaceful Whale Beach, suddenly it began between one fisherman and three others. I was told the reason of the fight was their piled frustration. The both side are soothed. But the one fisherman could not control the anger and shouted on the street for a while. To me the people looks well know and corporate each other, although it's happen they clash head to head.
There is no police station in the village. Anger, sadness, happiness ... everything is shared and solved in the community. Ah, I also heard about the matching party in which young people find the partner.
A rural village has same issue for the future all over the world.
I must put one thing in the end. International animal protection movement may effect to Lamalera. I felt the fishermen became sensitive. Of course, they never mentioned it openly. But I felt it, especially when they captured the manta ray.
However "Lamalera's whale hunting should be conserved as a traditional culture" or "It's a vice to kill marine lives" is the opinion of people who is well off. The people here never think they hunt the whales for conserving traditional culture. They hunt the whale for living.
The people who used to be a whale or a buffalo hunters now stands on animal protection side and protest to the people who still hunting in primitive way. If they take pride in more sophisticated and advanced people, please give the knowledge which they learn from the past fail to the people in Lamalera. Why not suggest them exact business model that they can survive without the whale meat?
Without showing a right way and just take a pressure on the hunting, because it's not match to modern standard, it must be wrong. Must give affection to the people same to the animals.
The small fishing ground is the all of Lamalera's property. The people know excessive hunting will be rebound on their life. As a matter of fact, I didn't see even tiny trash on the Whale Beach while other Indonesian beach is bothered by dumping...
Today's piece
Push back "
Lamalera, Lembata I,
Indonesia 2018 |