Face of Kazakhstani vol.2
Comparing the diverse Central Asian face to the software of
Kazakhstan , the hardware is still conservative Russian style.
Cities, markets, buildings, signboards in Cyrillic characters,
marshrutkas (mini-bus), subways and trains ... for example. The gap
between central Asian and Russian infrastructure is interesting to
me. Yeah, there must be places which has combination of Asian
resident and Russian infrastructure in the world. But in the
ex-Soviet countries where I have been, Ukraine or Baltic states,
Westerner was on Russian style infrastructure.
So in short,
as long as you stay in a city of Kazakhstan, you may not feel the
ethnic taste of Central Asia. It looks like some city in Russia. The
attraction of Kazakhstan may be in the big nature. Almaty's backdrop
is 4000 meter peaks. The mountains attract trekkers. Once you get
out a town by long train, you see the grass hills and shepherd on
the horse back. Whereas Astana in the North is the capital city
where super modern architectures stand in a row.
As preparing
for the trip, I got a lot of tips about the country such as "A
despotism, Rich by abundant natural resources like oil or gas..." It
made me excessively nervous. However real Kazakhstan is not such a
dubious country at all. The local currency rate is relatively
stable. Living standard is high enough while the consumer price is
not so high. Although communicating in Russian is little bit tough
to me, infrastructure is on Western standard as easy enough to
travel. (Although the easiness makes me boring sometime) Fortunately
I've never met a vice cop.
Or it must be nomadic culture.
Nevertheless the south part of the country used to be on the ancient
Silk Road, I don't feel historical atmosphere in Kazakhstan. It has
absolutely different impression from Uzbekistan which appeals
historical heritage and strong ethnic culture. The neighboring two
countries have similar name but live in the different stream
each other. That's a my conclusion.
Jun. 2018
Today's piece
" Russian style train " Kazakhstan 2017 |