Tangled cables again
"India and Bangladesh must have almost same atmosphere" That's
a stereotype before I had actually visited Bangladesh.
In the travel, a Bangladesh guy asked me with interest "Hey, you like
our country? You must get some culture-shock, uh?" So I told him "Well,
I had experience in India. It's not big oops to me" "Oh, you
know India? Yeah, there are some similarity between India and Bangladesh.
But India is a Hindu country while Bangladesh is Muslim country"
(In real world there are mixed religions in both country. But any way ...) From my impression as a foreigner, India and Bangladesh have a same hardware, rickshaw, long train or street scene for example, but different software, like a people's thought, runs on it.
It's really difficult to describe. But I got a good example to express
the each people's character. It's "Tangled cables" Do you remember what I mentioned in Indian
issue of this column? The chaotic electric wires ran everywhere in Old Delhi quarter. Nevertheless
the electric cables were tangled, a washing machine beside the each house
was working without problem.
What I saw on the very first day in Bangladesh was the tangled cables same
to India. However in the next moment, I noticed an important fact. In case
of Bangladesh, each cable had spare length and it's looped.
Bangladesh people is such thrifty and modest. I'm not sure where it comes
from the religion, geographical reason as closer to east Asia or the size
of the country. Yeah, certainly Bangladesh is a small country. When I'm
in Bangladesh, I feel the neighbor country, India, so big. They have own
industry.The IT are flourished. The education level is high enough. They
have huge population and land. They also have Indian net works all over
the world.
But for tourists image of India is sometime negative one. "People
are so aggressive for business" Well, it's partially correct (LOL)
But for me, I was strongly impressed by energy of the aggressiveness of
Indian people. So my impression for India is positive.
Now I have another example expressing the difference between Indian and
Bangladesh. Indian people once asked me "I'll make a business in Japan.
Tell me what's in trend there except Indian restaurant" I think Indian
people is an natural entrepreneur. "By the way, why except Indian
Restaurant?" "Coz thousands of Indians already run Indian restaurant
down there" Exactly. Exploring new frontier with original idea must
be their Indian spirits.
On the other hand, Bangladesh people often asked me like this. "I
wanna go Japan someday. Do you know any good job?" Having loyalty
to the company and making up their given job. Maybe you can see some patience
in it. It's Bangladesh style which is similar to the Japanese.
So after all, what I feel for Indian people is "envy" as a completely
opposite character to me. Then what I feel for Bangladesh people is "sympathy"
to the similarity to me. There was bigger difference than I had expected.
Apr. 2015
Today's piece
" Tangled cables " Dhaka, Bangladesh 2015 |