Dining table of Italian family
"You wanna rice? Yeah, of course. 'Cos You are Japanese" I was
said so and served risotto. Although the most famous resort in Sicily, Taormina didn't have crowd in
winter. I was the only guest in the pensione. So I became a lucky person to have
dinner with owner. Carmella and Pricila who run the pensione were sisters.
(I could not call them as current Italian beauty queens. But they must
be ex-Miss Italiy) The guest house was run by the sisters except summer.
And during the summer, their children came to Taormina from Palermo for
running it. Instead of them, Carmella and Pricila lived at house in Palermo.
It's their routine.
It's true that family was very important factor for Italian. For example,
even after children got married, they still have a strong relationship
with parents or brothers as a grand family unit. Even Carmella who live
apart from her child, she seemed to get touch with her children very well.
Maybe without such a good relationship, they could not run the Pensione
One good example which I saw expressing strong bond of Italian family was
that all the relative lived in same apartment house. All the family members
came together at their boss's (grand pa's) apartment every night and had
dinner. They took plenty of time over the dinner. They enjoyed mamma's
(grand ma's) dishes and conversation with another member. It's interesting
that even grown up children who had own family lost their dignity in front
of their grand father. That's Italian family.
Carmella's risotto was different from the cuisine of Italian restaurant
I knew. It's a simple boiled rice. The dining room was lighten up with
reddish light of late afternoon. "We saw Japanese opera <Madam
Butterfly> recently" Carmella and Pricila talked to me over the
dinner. Unfortunately I didn't know the story of Madam Butterfly. However
the dinner time with the sisters was happy to me. And I really enjoyed
After all I reached to the definition that Italian family must exist for
having the wonderful meal all together.
May 2007
Today's piece
" Portrait " Taormina , Italy 1994 |