Celt in France
Even in same country, France, each region gets diverse influence of the
neighbor country. It's interesting for me. For example, Alsace has German
culture. Flandre has a cultural stream from Belgium. The Mediterranean
coast "Midi" is in Med- Sea cultural area which is same to some
part of Spain and Italy.
However, the situation is just different when I talking about Japan. The
reason is quite simple. Japan is island off the edge of the continent.
It's different from the landlocked country. But as I talked in the issue of Okinawa, the landlocked geography is not
always necessary for bringing culture. Bretagne region in France must be a good example.
I had wondered for long time "Why the region is called "Britannia(Great
Britain)" in spite of locating in France. <Actually, my knowledge
of the region was poor. What I knew about Bretagne was it's famous for
ciders and special crepe with buckwheat flour. Nothing more than that.>
However once I actually visited the land, I well understood the origin
of the name. Houses or churches made of stones, ancient megalithic tombs
"Dolmen", alignments of large up right standing stones "Menhirs"
, and landscape with swelling hills looked like the one of Britain or Ireland.
As shown in the name, Bretagne was developed by Celtic people and even
now the Celtic culture add strong taste in the regional character.
Now I look at the map. In the west France, the Bretagne peninsula sticks
out to the Atlantic ocean like a horn. Crossing the narrow seas, southern coast of England is just over there. For thinking of a culture, you have to remove political borders. Then
maybe you'll see a different geography. Ireland, Britain and Bretagne of
France are connected each other with the sea. Obviously, you see the Celtic
cultural region on the map. Inevitably, the name of the sea becomes "Celtic
Stony towns in Bretagne had dignity. It looked cold but holy at same time.
The only regrettable thing in Bretagne had bad weather especially in winter.
It's also in Celtic way. It's rain every day although temperature was not
low because of warm sea tide. The rainy gray sky perfectly matched the
scenery of the antique town. But I needed sunny days sometime.
I'm walkin' in the town of Quimper. I come to the antique building which
is made of stone. It's a "Lycee"(high school). In a winter break,
no student is there. Trough the window, a lay figure in the science room
looks lonely.
Jan. 2007
Today's piece
" Lycee in Winter break " Quimper, France 2000 |