His voice flew into the oasis
"Face" is one of the most important factors in my photo works.
I must see the strange features I'd never seen as visiting Kashgar in Xinjiang
region, China. I was quite sure for that even before the visit. The people
whom I actually saw in kashgar had diverse features as I had expected.
So I was so happy.
However to tell the truth, I was frightened when I saw his face on the
bridge. I felt something like "I should not stare him" He begged
on the bridge. The old woman next to him was begging the change too. (I'm
not sure but she must be his mother.) But for him, he wasn't a beggar in
exact because he played the tambourine and sang with almost toothless mouth.
He performed the songs (I'm not sure it's a folk song or his improvisation)
in strong voice which sounded like squeezing out from the throat.
Before long, it became my routine standing beside him and listening the
song. I learned on the fence of the bridge and looked over the scenery.
The early autumn sunshine was reflecting on the surface of the stream below
my eyes. His songs melted into the scenery of oasis. After listening the
music, I put small change in the paper box.
Shortly, I had been inspired on him. "He hits the tambourine because
he can use the hands. He sings because he has voice. And he makes living
with it" Maybe I was knocked out by his straight ahead attitude toward
the life. It's very hard to live in this world. Life must be a series of
distress. But he is so buoyant as if he had never thought about it.
As soon as finishing the performance, he checked the box in front of him.
He measured bill by hand touch. (I think he was blind too.) Then he looked
being so disappointed when the bill was in small amount.
Before he met accident in off luck, what kind of face he had? He might
had two faces. Old face and current face. Somehow the more I imagine his
old face, the more I felt dignity on his current face which was strongly
living in this world.
Nov. 2006
Today's piece
"Street musician" Kashgar, Xinjiang region, China 2006 |