About Moonbeams Photo Museum
This site "Moonbeams Photo Museum" was opened in Jan. 2008. Almost
three years has passed since then. The total number of access is now more
than 200 thousand hits. I really thank each of you who stop by this site
frequently. At the same time, I'm proud myself of keeping make effort to
try to create always something new on the site.
The main purpose of producing this site was that I wanted you to take a
time seeing my photo works at any time, any place. And it's also expression
of my thank for the people who became my model every place on the planet.
However, as I wrote on my "Moonbeams Magazine Essay", I don't
want this site to be "a Good Old Day's Photo Album". What I want
express here is more universal thing. So, for my photo works, it doesn't
matter whether it's latest image or was taken long time ago.
The photo works to be shown here is a conceptual backbone of my career.
It's not a passage but a starting point to me.