Fumikatz Osada( photographer )
born in Saitama, Japan / graduate Nihon Univ. dept. of law journalism course
/ multimedia content's editor and writer at Japan's news paper subsidence
/ 1992 study photography at International Center of Photography, NY / 1995
teacher's assistant at ICP / back to Japan, start the career as a portrait
photographer in interview and fashion field.
meanwhile get start personal portrait project as a photo slide in 1998
/ from "La Habana" of Cuba to "Kashgar" of the silk
road, 9 titles are released / for "souvenirs" held exhibition
with same title, Yokohama, Japan 2002 / after 2008, release 7more titles,
like "floated by passing days" ukraine, "the river banks"
jordan, israel and palestine and "feels like rain" ethiopia .....
/ capture the features on the globe with own vision. now osada's new world
map is implementing